Market Street, Glossop, The First Hundred Years.

This article attempts to document the occupants of Market Street, from around 1840 to around 1940, using available records in censuses, directories and newspapers. Any additional information will be gratefully received.
I must acknowledge the help of Lynda Meehan in preparing this article and Mike Brown for allowing me to use a photo from his collection.

Market Street did not officially exist before the passing of the Glossop Market Act on 10th May 1844. The preamble to the Act notes that the Duke of Norfolk had erected “a commodious Building adapted to the Purpose of a Town Hall, with a Market House on the Ground Floor” and that the land on which it was built was “bounded on or towards the North in part by a public Street or Highway, and in part by certain Leasehold Tenements belonging to the said Duke, on or towards the South by a certain Brook or Stream of Water called the Shelf otherwise Glossop Brook, on or towards the East by a certain other public Street or Highway extending to a Bridge over the last-mentioned Brook or Stream of Water called Victoria Bridge, and on or towards the West by a certain new Street now lately set out extending from the said first-mentioned public Street or Highway to the said Brook or Stream of Water, and intended to be called Market Street.”.
The fact that Market Street had been “lately set out” implies that certain buildings were already in existence. According to the book “History In A Pint Pot”, one such was the Market Hotel, Joseph Bottoms having leased the land on which it was built in 1837. He appears, with his family, in the 1841 census as a Cotton Weaver at Howard Town.

The way in which entries were recorded in the 1851 census makes it difficult to identify occupation of Market Street at the time. The census contains entries for far more properties than one would expect and it seems that at least some parts of Chapel Street, George Street and Cross Street (and possibly even properties on High Street) were entered on the enumerator's sheet as Market Street. Another source of confusion is that some premises in Market Street were listed as Howardtown and it is often not possible to establish exactly where they were.

Apparently there were railings along at least part of the western side of Market Street at one time. In a court case reported in the Glossop Record of 26 October 1861, P.C. Kirkland stated that he was assaulted by a labourer named Matthew Redayne, which included “being thrown against the iron railing opposite Mr Sykes's vaults in Market Street”.

Market Street mid 1920s

1 Market Street

Being on the corner, the property is identified in some records as number 1 Market Street, number 23 High Street West or simply Market Street.
An analysis of its history is presented in the article Town Hall Shops, 5 to 23 High Street West.

1857 map

On the 1857 map we can see that number 2 is there (add on to 25 High Street West) as are 8 and 10 (Market Hotel) and 12 (Bridge Inn) but there is a gap where numbers 4 and 6 were still to be built.

2 Market Street

Whilst number 2 is now a separate house, it appears to have been built as an add on to the shop at 25 High Street West, initially used as a separate shop and subsequently as the living quarters for 25 High Street West from about 1868. Charles Wood (See A Wood family of Whitfield) is listed as a grocer at Market Street in White's directory of 1862. He had moved to Market Street from number 15 High Street West in 1860. In advertising a shop at Shepley Mill to let in the Glossop Record of 12 January 1867, Charles Wood described himself as a Grocer and Corn Dealer of Market Street. In the 1861 census the entry for Charles's family is directly after the one for Edward Sykes (23 High Street West/1 Market Street). Although the listing is recorded as High Street, it appears that it refers to 2 (and possibly 4) Market Street.

There are no separate entries in censuses &c or directories for number 2 until the 1939 register when the house was occupied by Hannah and Sarah Dearnaley. They were sisters of Joseph Dearnaley who had married Charles Wood's granddaughter, Annie, and taken over the business at 25 High Street West.

4 Market Street

The first specific record found for the property is in the 1871 census. Though it was unoccupied the enumerator listed it as a Printing office, lock up. From research into early local newspapers (see Glossop's Early Local Newspapers) we know that it was from there that Thomas Allard Pettit & William Mather initially published the Glossop Advertiser.

In the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 7 August 1875, David Percival, Wine & spirit merchant, by then residing at 4 Market Street, gave notice of intention to apply at the annual licensing meeting to be held on 13 August for the transfer of his off licence for 19 High Street to 4 Market Street. In advertisements in the following weeks, David Percival announced to the public his removal from High Street to 4 Market Street.
David Percival was listed in the Post Office directory of 1876 as a wine & spirit merchant at Market Street but didn't stay much longer. His last advertisement for those premises was in the newspaper of 17 June 1876, after which he moved to 8 Henry Street (see The Early Development of Shops and Businesses of Norfolk Square and Henry Street, Glossop).

The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 1 September 1877 published a notice from Joseph Ashton (the old-established draper late of Bradford House) that he had taken the shop at 4 Market Street (lately occupied by Mr D. Percival) and had opened it on 24 August as a hosiery and drapery business. It appears that he moved on fairly quickly as the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 2 October 1880 reported on a hearing at which claims for revision of the electoral register were heard. One of the claimants for inclusion on the register was John Kershaw who gave his address as 4 Market Street. Census records for other addresses indicate that he was a clog maker. John Kershaw was recorded, with his family, at 1 Jordan Street in the 1881 census but there is no indication as to whether or not he was working from there or elsewhere.

In the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 3 March 1883 it was announced that Josiah Mellor and John Higginbottom, auctioneers, had decided to dissolve their partnership. Josiah Mellor was to carry on the business at their premises at 42 High Street West and John Higginbottom advertised that he was starting a separate business. The following week's newspaper carried the first of a series of advertisements for John Higginbottom, Auctioneer, valuer, emigration, estate and general commission agent from his office at 4A Market Street. It can only have been a temporary arrangement, though, as by 6 October he was advertising his address as 52 High Street West.

Nothing has been found about subsequent occupants of number 4 until an entry in Kelly's directory of 1888 for Frederick Howard, hair dresser. He is mentioned in directories until the Trades directory of 1903.

No further directory entries have been found until Kelly's of 1932 when 4 Market Street was listed as the address of the County Court Office where Percy Edward Ireland was registrar & high bailiff. This was as a result of the solicitor's practice expanding into the adjacent property. Similar entries are found in the Kelly directories of 1936 and 1941.

6 Market Street

Once again, the first record found is in the 1871 census. Number 6 was occupied by Charles Wood, described as a yeoman, and his wife Sarah. This is the same Charles Wood who owned 2 Market Street/25 High Street West. Charles advertised in the Glossop Record of 22 August 1868 that he had retired from the business and that it was being carried on by his son, John. The couple had been living at number 6 for longer than just three years. When William Beswick of the Market Hotel applied for renewal of his licence in September 1870, Charles Wood appeared as a witness and stated that he had lived next door for ten years and that he considered the house, in which he had no interest, as a quiet one.

A notice dated 8 January, which was published in the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 10 January 1880, stated that all communications regarding the water supply to be made to Mr George Williamson, Borough Collector, Market Street. George Williamson was also secretary of Glossop Cricket Club. That he had been based at 6 Market Street for some time is indicated by an advertisement by the Club in the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 15 June 1878 which gave George Williamson, 6 Market Street, as the contact.
The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 25 September 1880 carried an advertisement “To be let No 6 Market Street now occupied by Mr G. Williamson, borough rate collector. Suitable for doctor, lawyer or any person desiring a good stand. Apply to J. Wood, 25 High Street West.”. John Wood was the son of Charles Wood.

Number 6 then received a tenant who would stay for nearly 20 years, Charles Davis, solicitor (though Kelly's directory of 1881 listed both him and George Williamson, rate collector). Charles Davis became coroner for High Peak division before moving on in 1899, after becoming Town Clerk, to Ellison Street where he took over the solicitors practice of Thomas Michael Ellison, the previous Town Clerk. The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter 28 April 1899 advertised “To let, central offices at 6 Market Street lately occupied by C. Davis, Esq., Town Clerk. Apply J. Wood, Grocer, London House.”.

An advertisement for an auction in the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 18 May 1900 gives the contact as F. W. G. Moran, solicitor, 6 Market Street. Frederick William Grace Moran had been in partnership with Francis Knowles in Howard Street until 1896 when it was advertised that he had withdrawn from the business. Kelly's directories of 1899 and 1900, and the Trades directory of 1903, list his office as being in Norfolk Street, where he was also clerk to the burial board. It appears that when his partnership with Knowles ended he moved back to 22 Norfolk Street where he had practiced previously. The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 25 May 1900 carried an advertisement that two ground floor rooms in Norfolk Street, lately occupied by Mr. F. W. G. Moran, solicitor, were to let (application to be made to 6 Market Street). The move was probably prompted by Moran's appointment as Superintendent Registrar on 4 April 1900.
The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 4 March 1904 reported that F. W. G. Moran had resigned his position as Superintendent Registrar having been appointed as High Bailiff of Sheffield, which would necessitate him moving there. He had sold his business to Percy E. Ireland, who would retain Moran's clerks, Rufus Hartley and Arthur France. Another who stayed with the firm was William Bruce Hadfield (See The Hadfield family of Cowbrook) who qualified as a solicitor on 4 November 1903.

Percy Edward Ireland, a native of Salford who moved to live in Slatelands House when he bought the business, would continue to practice at 6 Market Street until he died on 13 September 1940.
Kelly's directories of 1908 and 1912 list Percy Ireland as a solicitor and registrar & high bailiff to Glossop County Court. Rufus Hartley was Superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages and Arthur France was his deputy.
Rufus Hartley resigned his position with effect from 30 September 1913 and Bruce Hadfield, who had earlier gone into partnership with Percy Ireland, was appointed as his replacement by the Board of Guardians.
Kelly's directory of 1925 lists Percy Ireland as solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths, registrar to Glossop county court, clerk to the county & borough magistrates & registrar & high bailiff; William Bruce Hadfield as solicitor & commissioner for oaths and Superintendent registrar of births, deaths & marriages with Arthur France as his deputy. Kelly's directories of 1928 to 1941 contain similar entries, with the exception that Arthur France, who died on 17 December 1927, was replaced by James Harrison, the firm's managing clerk. James Harrison had become registrar of marriages in 1921 and was succeeded in that position by G. B. Buxton (listed in the directories from 1932).

1879 map

All the properties were there by 1879, the Market Hotel obviously encompassing numbers 8 and 10.

8-10 Market Street

Hamnett tells us that 29 September 1837 was the date of lease of the Market Hotel, built by Joseph Bottoms, in a meadow occupied by assignees of John Platt, under tenant of the exors. of Benjamin Rolfe, bounded on the East by an intended street (Market Street), on the South by an intended street (Chapel Street), sold by Joseph Slack, of Manchester, to Thomas Fielding, coal merchant, of 20, Surrey Street, December 4th, 1871, for £900.

As mentioned above, the Market Hotel appears to have been one of the first buildings on Market Street. Looking at the various maps it appears that the property comprised the hotel on the plot which became number 8 and the attached outbuildings occupied number 10. Joseph Bottoms, the builder of the hotel, died on 22 June 1850 and his widow, Sarah, married Joseph Fielding (See Descendants of Jeremy Fielding of Whitfield 1721) on 22 January 1851. Sarah died on 29 November 1869. Joseph has not been found in the 1871 census or subsequent records (including any record of his death). It is possible that he was the Joseph Fielding who was one of the victims of a massacre on Vancouver Island in April/May 1864. It was reported in the Glossop Record of 2 July 1864 that he was understood to be “the son of Mr Fielding of this town”.

Frederick Taylor took over briefly but the Glossop Record of 8 October 1864 reported that the continued depression of trade in the town meant that he had left the Market Tavern.

William Beswick advertised, in the Glossop Record of 10 December 1864, that he had opened the Market Hotel. Harrod's directory of 1870 listed William Beswick at the Market hotel and he was recorded there in the 1871 census.

The mystery over the fate of Joseph Fielding is deepened by the fact that the Glossop Record of 14 January 1871 carried an advertisement stating that a quantity of furniture, the property of Mr Joseph Fielding, late of the Market Hotel, Glossop, would be sold by auction on 16 January. Unfortunately details of the outcome of the auction and the beneficiaries have not survived.

William Beswick had his licence renewed at the Brewster Sessions in September 1871 but as noted above it was taken over later that year by Thomas Fielding, who was a coal dealer in Surrey Street. Thomas Fielding (See Descendants of John Fielding of Whitfield 1674) was not related to Joseph, they being descended from the two different lines referenced (though it is possible that the lines were related before surviving records began). John Ford advertised, in the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter 26 June 1875 that he had received instructions from Thomas Fielding to sell, by auction, the Market Hotel, together with the large shed and other outbuildings. Thomas died suddenly on 20 September 1876 as a result of falling down the stairs into the hotel cellar. The newspaper report on his death mentioned that he had made money living and working in South America and had started the coal business on his return, which gave him the means to buy the Market Hotel which trebled in value whilst he had it. He had apparently managed to sell the hotel before he died but had arranged not to move until after the wakes holiday.
Joseph's widow, Mary (stepdaughter of Charles Wood who had lived at number 6) took over briefly but the licence was transferred to a John Simpson on 4 June 1877.

Market Hotel advert 1927
Advertisement for the Market Hotel from the Manor Park opening souvenir programme, 1927

John Simpson only stayed about a year. The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 12 October 1878 reported on a court case in which George Littlewood, who had recently taken over the Market Hotel from John Simpson, sued Glossop Gas Company for the return of £5 8s 5d which had been owing when Simpson left and which Littlewood had paid because the company would not supply him with gas until he did so.

George Littlewood did not stay long either as Henry Bradley is recorded as there in the census and Kelly's directory of 1881. Neither Bradley nor the next licensee, John Charlesworth stayed long. The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter 2 June 1883 reported the transfer of the licence from John Charlesworth to William Nichols Wilkerson. He would stay rather longer, being landlord until October 1895, when the licence was transferred to Andrew Casely.
In 1894 John Ford advertised two auctions to take place at “the Large Concert Room, Market Street” and “the Large Rooms adjoining the Market Hotel, Market Street”. Presumably the rooms were the buildings on the plot which became number 10.
William Wilkerson was the last licensee to stay more than five years. History In A Pint Pot lists 15 licensees over the years to 1930, when the hotel closed, most of whom only stayed for a year or two.

1919 map

By 1919 the Market Hotel appears to occupy just number 8.

Kelly's directory of 1925 lists the hotel at number 8 with Glossop Modern Dairies (Ernest Wilson, proprietor) next door. The dairy was listed by Kelly in 1928 and 1932 but in 1936 the listings were for Frank Furniss, auctioneer, at 8 Market Street and Glossop Social Service Club (Herbert Mort, secretary) next door. In Kelly's directory of 1941, only the Glossop Social Service Club (R. Cullen, secretary) is listed.
The Glossop League of Social Service club had been opened in May 1933 by Sir Alfred Law M.P. after the premises, which were in a bad state of repair, had been refurbished by the 300 unemployed members. It was the forerunner of Glossop Community House (replaced much later by Bradbury Community House) which housed organisations like the Old Men's Corner and Hundred Club which were founded by the Rotary Club.

Glossop Modern Dairies advert 1933
Advertisement for Glossop Modern Dairies from the Glossop Handbook 1933

12 Market Street

Hamnett gives 4 November 1850 as the date of lease of the Bridge Inn, a new lease being granted to Chesters on 22 June 1900.

The first reference found to an occupant of the Bridge Inn was in the Post Office directory of 1855 when Charles Knott was listed as licensee. His tenancy ended sadly as he was adjudged to be bankrupt in April 1863. Joseph Oates had advertised, in the Glossop Record of 6 September 1862, that the whole of the furniture, stock in trade and other effects were to be auctioned on 8th - 10th September and that the house and premises were to be let. A further advertisement by Joseph Oates, in the Glossop Record of 18 October 1862, stated that the Bridge Inn was the house of Mr Thomas McKnight.

McKnight presumably didn't wish to stay long as the Glossop Record of 10 September 1864 reported a court case in which William Miller, landlord of the Bridge Inn, sued George Newton for breach of agreement to succeed him. The Glossop Record of 8 October 1864 reported that the continued depression of trade in the town meant that Mr Miller had left the Bridge Inn. That seems to have brought Thomas McKnight back as the Glossop Record of 15 October 1864 reported that the licence had been transferred to him from William Miller (removed). Thomas McKnight finally left in April 1865. The Glossop Record of the 15th reported that the licence had been transferred from Thomas McKnight to William Holding (sic).

In the Glossop Record of 13 April 1867, John Lewis advertised that he had received instructions from William Holden to sell by Auction at the Bridge Inn on Monday 15 April, the household furniture, in consequence of Mr Holden changing his residence. By 14 September 1867, James Walton had taken over the licence as he advertised his wakes week entertainment in the Glossop Record of that date. James Walton died in 1881 and the licence was taken over by his wife, Lydia. She held the licence until 1895. The Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 10 May 1895 reported that the licence had been transferred to William Jacobs.

William Jacobs only stayed a couple of years and was followed by a number of short term tenants. Those mentioned in directories, newspapers &c were: Joseph Barber (Kelly 1899 & 1900), James Wilkinson (1901 census), Sam Foster (licence transfer 1904), George Mawdsley (licence transfer 1905), William Flint (licence transfer 1907). Edwin Owen Barber (licence transfer 1910 and 1911 census), Albert Ernest Jones (1921 census), Joseph Robinson (Kelly 1925), James Nield (Kelly 1928), Ralph Wilkinson (Kelly 1932), Charles Bambury (Kelly 1936) and Fred Smith (1939 Register).
Miss Emma Wilkinson was listed as a ladies' hairdresser in Kelly's directory of 1932. As Ralph Wilkinson was landlord of the Bridge Inn at the time it is possible she was his daughter.

Bridge Inn advert 1933
Advertisement for the bridge Inn from the Glossop Handbook 1933

Unidentified locations.

The following people are mentioned as having businesses in Market Street but it has not been possible to identify the properties they occupied. Any further information will be gratefully received.

John Brooks was listed as a beer retailer in the Post Office directory of 1855 and White's directory of 1857. He may have been the one who was later licensee of the Lamb Inn on Surrey Street.

Christopher Fielding was listed as running an eating house in the Post Office directory of 1855. Joseph Fielding, landlord of the Market Hotel at the time, had an older brother named Christopher so there may be a connection there.

James Beever was listed as running an eating house in White's directory of 1857. Could he have taken over from Christopher Fielding?

Job Stevens was listed as a hosier in White's directory of 1857.

Harrod's directory of 1870 listed the Industrial Co-operative Society (boots, shoes, and clogs) in Market Street but that could well have been an error as the Co-op was in Norfolk Square by then.

An advertisement in the Glossop-dale Chronicle and North Derbyshire Reporter of 18 July 1902 said that a wooden stable in the Borough Yard, Market Street, was for sale. The location of the Borough Yard at the time is unidentified.

J. A. Mellor & Sons, builders, were listed in Kelly's directories of 1932, 1936 and 1941. Many thanks to Lynda Meehan who tells me that J A Mellor was in fact James Albert Mellor who came to Glossop sometime between 1901-1911. His long time Glossop address was 1 Chapel Street; in 1911 he was a Common Lodging House Keeper 1-3 Chapel Street. In 1939 he was a Master Builder 1 Chapel Street. He died in 1967 at 5 Chapel Street and was described as a former Master Builder in business on Chapel Street. It appears that the compilers of Kelly's Directory have listed the wrong street.

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Last updated: 5 November 2022