The Hamlet of Dinting.
This page is based on the notes of Robert Hamnett, originally published as an article in the Glossop Advertiser in 1913.
Illustrations are from my personal collection.
The first authentic information that we have of Dinting is contained in the Derbyshire Domesday Book. It states that Louric in King Edward the Confessor's time, A.D. 1042-66 owned Dinting, Chisworth and Padfield, but was then in 1086 owned by Levnot. The Hamlet was then called Dentinc.
The name Dinting is derived from the Celtic din - a camp and the Norse ting - a council, i.e. the council camp.
The Hamlet of Dinting contains 605 statute acres.
Before the Dinting Printworks came into existence its population was but small. It has, however, increased rapidly since. The Census returns gives us the following:-
1821 |
26 |
152 |
1841 |
74 |
387 |
1851 |
126 |
670 |
1861 |
151 |
730 |
1871 |
168 |
830 |
1891 |
282 |
1413 |
Dinting Vale about 1900
Dinting has long been the home of the Garlick's and other old families. In 1587, in a return of trained soldiers, we find that Charles Garlike was one, and would be called up to join the army that was assembled to repel the Spanish invasion. The feeling of the country was very bitter against the Roman Catholics, and many severe laws had been passed against them. One of the Dinting Garlicks, Nicholas, was a Roman Catholic priest, and he travelled about the country secretly carrying out his priestly duties. In 1588 he, along with Robert Ludlum, another priest, was secretly staying with John Fitzherbert at Nether Padley Hall, which is about 2.25 miles from Hathersage, and were discovered and arrested, conveyed to Derby and tried. John Fitzherbert was sentenced to gaol for life, and died of gaol fever November 8th, 1590.
The sentence on Nicholas Garlick, Robert Ludlam, and another priest seized elsewhere in the County was; "That you and each of you be carried to the place from whence you came, and from thence be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, and be there severally hanged, be cut down while you are alive; that certain organs of your body be cut off; that your bowels be taken out and burnt before your faces; that your heads be severed from your bodies; that your bodies be divided into four quarters; and that your quarters be at the Queen's (Elizabeth) disposal; and the Lord have mercy on your souls."
This cruel sentence was duly carried out on the 25th July, 1588, the Spanish Armada being then approaching our shores. The various parts of their bodies were fixed upon poles and exhibited in the market places of the county towns. No doubt, Glossop, being the birthplace of Nicholas Garlick, a portion of his body would be exposed at the Market Cross; there is no evidence of this.
On the 26th August, 1597, John and Ann Garlick were bound over to appear as witnesses in a murder case at Glossop.
On the 20th July, 1608, George Garlick, yeoman of Dinting, purchased from Thomas Bagshawe land at Littlemoor. A portion is still owned by Miss Garlick. A William Garlick, in 1616, and a Nicholas Garlick, in 1750 left sums of money to the poor of the Parish. One bequest is called Captain Garlick's Charity, and was distributed quite recently.
It is not many years since the Garlicks left the old home at Higher Dinting. The Roman Catholics, I believe, have an idea of fixing a tablet on the house.
The Wagstaffes, were another old Dinting family. A barn at Higher Dinting was built by a Samuel Wagstaff, who was the Constable in 1703, when an Act was passed to raise recruits for the Duke of Marlborough's Forces.
The Constables were, by this Act ordered to bring before the justices all able-bodied men within their townships who "have not any lawful calling or employment, or visible means for their livelihood, and that have no vote in electing any member or members to serve in Parliament." with a view to their enlistment. Mr. Wagstaffe secured one recruit, a "John Brainwell, of Glossop, aged about 36 years, listed with Captain James Erott in the Right Hon. Colonel River's Regiment of Foot, the articles read to him, gave him 20s., advance." I wonder if he ever returned.
John Wagstaffe and his wife Deborah, were here. Deborah died a widow in March, 1757. Her son Samuel, married Sarah Hadfield, sister of Samuel, George, and Moses Hadfield, of Simmondley Hall. She had a nephew, George Wagstaffe, clothier of Woodseats, Charlesworth.
In 1804 or 1805 three brothers, James, Joseph and Robert Wagstaffe, built Dinting Mill, and the brick houses adjoining. They failed, and in 1811, Thomas Chadwick, cotton manufacturer, of Hattersley, was working it. In that year it was inspected, and the report was "very clean," He borrowed £500 from Mr. Matthew Ellison, 5th September, 1811, but does not appear to have been very successful, for we find that on the 15th March, 1815, George Wagstaffe took a five year lease on it. In 1821 it was owned by John Vaudrey, surgeon, Bredbury. In 1823 Messrs. Scholes, Birch and Co. were working it; in 1824 the firm was Birch, De Jongths; and in ..................... Burgess and Langstaff. This Langstaff wrote a novel about Melandra Castle. It came out in numbers, but I have never been able to see one. He was also writing the History of Glossop, but it was never completed, and the manuscript got lost.
In July, 1831, Messrs. Samuel Oliver and Jones were working the mill as a paper mill with patent machinery. On the 17th December, 1831, Mally his wife, died at the early age of 27. Both had been converted to Wesleyanism, and were very devout and pious people. In 1833 Mr. Oliver was the sole proprietor, and had also a paper mill at Hollingworth. Unfortunately for both parties, Mr. Edmund Potter sued him for damages, alleged to be caused by Mr. Oliver polluting the water in the course of paper making. The case was tried on the 21st March, 1835, and it practically ruined him. On the 16th March, 1840, the machinery was sold by auction. Messrs. Thomas Corns and Co. then became tenants, and in 1842 Mr. Oliver became connected with it again, and traded as Messrs. Samuel Oliver and Co., brown, marble, and glazed paper manufacturers. Mr. Oliver sustained another great loss when, in 1851, his paper mill at Hollingworth was burnt down. The Albion Mills are now on the site. Mr. Oliver had a team of four grey horses that were driven by a man called John Phillips, but better known as "Papper Jack." He had to go almost daily to Manchester for material and to take paper. He was not a teetotaller, and sometimes stopped at various calling places and got drunk. On those occasions he did not go home, when he knew that a certain lecture awaited him, but slept among the horses, who knew him so well that he never received any injury from them.
The mill eventually came into the possession of Mr. Edmund Potter, and became known as the Logwood Mill.
On the 29th September, 1800, Joseph Lyne, of Simmondley, took a 99 year lease of land and built the Simmondley Cotton Mill for the carding and spinning of cotton wool. He had also seven houses and a farm. He seems to have been fairly prosperous, which no doubt, induced him to take out another lease of land on 25th March, 1817, and he began to erect another cotton mill. The lease described the land as being at the "Bottoms," bounded on the east by the turnpike road from the Plough Inn to Woolley Bridge; on the south and west by "Platt Wood"; on the north by "The Bottoms"; total area, 4,190 square yards, at a rental of £20 per annum. The mill was never quite finished, for Mr. Lyne got into financial difficulties, and had to borrow money from his neighbour, Moses Hadfield.
In the Manchester Guardian, December 27th, 1823, we find the following advertisement:- "Dinting Cotton Mill to let, newly erected, 37 yards by 13 yards; five stories high, exclusive of attic; together with an addition of 15 yards by 8 yards, five stories; water wheel. Apply, Robert Thornley, Vale House, or Moses Hadfield, Simmondley Hall, proprietor.
This advertisement caught the eyes of the Potters, and they took the premises, the mill being altered to suit their requirements. The firm was Charles Potter, Edmund Potter and his brother in law, Samuel Roberts. The firm also took over the Simmondley Mill, farm, cottages, etc., belonging to Mr. Lyne.
Dinting Vale, Lodge and Print works
Mr. Edmund Potter was born at Ardwick, January 22nd 1802, so that he was a very young man to be connected with such a business. The firm early met with financial difficulties, and on the 27th July 1825, they were obliged to sell their Simmondley property.
Mr. Moses Hadfield built the house near the entrance gates in 1827, and Mr. Charles Potter resided there. In the same year the firm took a lease of 91 acres of land at Adderley for farming purposes. All manufacturers in those days had farms to ensure their workpeople obtaining milk, potatoes, etc. In October, 1831, the firm had to suspend payment, but such was the confidence the creditors had in Mr. Edmund Potter's integrity, industry, perseverance, and practical knowledge of calico printing, that money was found to carry on the business under the supervision of William Sidebottom, J.P., of Etherow House, and others.
When Mr. Potter was presented with an address on December 6th, 1873, he stated the reasons why the firm had got into difficulties:
"They came here to a small old mill that had never been worked or used, that in fact, was scarcely worth having, and not worth putting machinery into (known as the Boggart Mill, and where owls made nests). They found they had entered into a trade which was more severely taxed than any other, and the conclusion they came to was that unless they could get that tax removed, there was no hope for the printing trade. At that time every piece of calico was taxed, 5s. or 5s. 3d. before it left the ground. Some of his old friends would remember the excise man coming into the works, so that was no chance of any increase or expansion of the trade. His first experience in public life was going to London (1830) with a great many first-class printers, to get this duty removed. At that time there was not a single article except labour used in the process of manufacture which was not heavily taxed - timber, soap, paper, cotton, madder, oil - there was not a single article that was not taxed. If they were to ask him upon what he based his own prosperity, he would simply say in the good logical free trade measures passed within the last 40 years."
Mr. Potter's early experience of these restrictions on trade made him in politics a red hot radical, and a great Free Trader. In five years Mr Potter had not only recovered himself but had paid off all his creditors to the amount of £24,000.
On the 7th February, 1837, his creditors presented him with silver plate of the value of £300, and also gave Mrs. Potter £50. The inscription on the plate was:
"Presented to Edmund Potter, Esq., by the creditors of Charles and Edmund Potter and Co., on the conclusion of his engagement with them, which commencing in 1831, was continued under the inspection of the assignees, until October, 1836, and then successfully terminated in the liquidation of every claim upon the estate, Mr. Potter having during that period realised for the creditors upwards of £24,000, and acquired for himself the more estimable possession of a name distinguished for talent and high principle."
The assignees, William Sidebottom, J.P. and others, were also presented with silver plate for their services.
After this period his progress was never interrupted, but was a gradual improvement. In 1848 the "Twelve Machine Shop" was built. In 1849 the other parts were enlarged. In 1853 he leased land and made the now disused reservoir opposite the Junction Inn. In 1858 trade was universally bad throughout the country, and short time was in force at Dinting Vale Printworks. Mr. Potter gave flour and meal to his workpeople and also coal to the foremen, and on New Year's Day he gave two day's wages to each work hand. Another bad period was January, 1861, when the firm was working seven hours a day and stopping Fridays and Saturdays
In 1864 the "Bottom Seven Machine Shop" was built.
In 1864 Mr. Potter gave £100 for extra comforts for the poor.
In 1867 the highway was diverted to its present course and the new machine shop erected.
In October, 1880, a 999 year lease was obtained of all their land at an annual rent of £1,596 4s., and in the month following he paid John Wood of Ardern and Mottram Old Hall, a mortgage of £40,000.
In 1891 the firm became a limited company.
Mr Edmund Potter died 26th October, 1883, at Campfield Place, Hertford. His will was proved at £440,000.
Mr. Edmund Potter was not only a practical calico printer, but he understood every branch of the trade. He was for some years the secretary to the Printers Association. He was a great believer in secular education, and in 1838 he established a day school at Dinting. Mr. Thomas Bailey, a native of Knutsford, was the first schoolmaster, and retired after 18 years service in that capacity. He died at Oldham, 15th September, 1896, aged 80.
In 1845 Mr. Potter established the Dinting Vale Printworks Reading Room and Library. The Library contained an excellent assortment of books. One of the librarians was an old friend of mine, Thomas Barlow, J.P. On the 4th August he was presented with a writing desk inscribed :-
"Presented to Mr. Thomas Barlow by the members of the Dinting Vale Printworks Reading Room and Library as a slight recognition of his services for a period of ten years. August 4th, 1866”.
Mr. Potter was the author of many interesting and valuable pamphlets; Those I have knowledge of are:-
1841. Designs Copyright Bill
1852. Calico Printing as an art manufacture.
1854. Trade Schools.
1855. Partnership with Limited Liability.
1855. Schools of Art.
1858. Reform in 1859.
1860. Calico Printing; French and English.
1868. Compulsory Education.
Mr. Potter was also a good lecturer. On the 12th April, 1855, he addressed the members of the Tintwistle Mechanics Institute on the "Future of a manufacturing district."
Mr Potter was also a lover of music and the Dinting Vale Glee Club under the tuition of Mr. Bailey, the schoolmaster, gave some excellent concerts in the Town Hall and other places, the first one that I have any account of being in 1840.
Mr. Potter was appointed a County Magistrate 28th June, 1853, and a Deputy Lieutenant in 1855. He was president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce in 1858. He was one of the Jurors of the 1851 Exhibition and did all he could to make the Calico Printing Section a success.
Mr. Potter was greatly in favour of Electoral Reform. On the 10th February, 1858, he was chairman of a Reform Meeting in the Town Hall, and again on the 22nd December of the same year. At a Reform Meeting 25th January, 1859 he proposed the following resolution:- "That in the opinion of this meeting, the Township of Glossop, be on account of its numbers and the amount of indirect taxation, is fairly entitled to representation."
On 14th June, 1865 he at a meeting in the Town Hall, moved that Mr. Jackson be the colleague of Lord George Cavendish for the North Derbyshire Election.
His views were not always popular, for on the 21st June, 1866, a meeting was held in the Town Hall to protest against the proposal of Mr. Edmund Potter to group Glossop with Chesterfield in the 'Redistribution of Seats Bill' now before Parliament.
In 1859 there was a strong feeling in the country for forming Volunteer Corps, and a meeting was held in the Town Hall in favour of one being formed in Glossop, but Mr. Edmund Potter bitterly opposed the movement. The meeting was attended by all the gentry of the district. George Andrew, J.P., of Compstall moved, and William Sidebottom J.P., of Etherow House seconded a resolution that : "The formation of a Volunteer Corps as a system of National defence is one of the most mighty means of contributing to our country the blessings of peace and commercial prosperity.". This was carried. John Hill-Wood J.P., Whitfield House, proposed and Tom Harrop Sidebottom seconded "That a Volunteer Rifle Corps be immediately formed for this neighbourhood." Mr Edmund Potter moved an amendment, Mr. Thomas Ellison seconded and the Rev. Thomas Atkin supported it: "That the present system of the formation of Rifle Corps would be destructive of the morals of young men and if the vast commercial establishments in Manchester were carried on by some who led semi-military lives they would wither and decay as fast as they had grown up." It says much for Mr. Potter's influence that this ridiculous amendment was carried, and the volunteer movement in Glossop retarded for 16 years, and yet Mr. Potter was no little Englander. He gave £50 to the Patriotic Fund, but he was a man who had the courage of his convictions, and he upheld his views on every occasion by speeches and also with his purse. He was a great Free Trader and the friend of Cobden, Bright and other pioneers of the Anti-Corn Law League.
Mr. Potter on one occasion said, "he had always a taste for politics, and he only regretted it was so late in life when he felt justified in going into Parliament". He was a member for Carlisle for some years. Mr. Edmund Potter was a good judge of character, which enabled him to always have connected with him in business exceptionally clever foremen and managers, and he had few if any disputes with his workpeople during his 50 years active connexion with the firm.
On his retirement a meeting of the workpeople was held in the Logwood Mill, on Saturday, December 6th, 1873, when an address was presented to him. The following is a copy :-
Dear Sir, WE, the workpeople employed at the Dinting Printworks, desire, upon the occasion of your entire withdrawal from the firm of Edmund Potter and Co., to place on record the high esteem and personal regard in which you are held by all of us. There are of our number some few who have been associated with you from the very rise of the firm, and many more who have spent all their lives in your service.
The severance of a connexion of such long endurance is, Therefore, naturally the occasion of unfeigned regret. At the same time this sentiment is happily tempered by the recollection that the step you have taken is but the natural and fitting close to a long, active, and singularly successful career as an extensive employer of labour, in the more public walk of trade and commerce, as a local magistrate, and in the high and honourable position of an M.P.
It would not become us to expatiate upon the firm of which you have so long been the guiding power. Its history would be a record of constant growth and success. Times of commercial gloom and disaster and times of prosperity have alike come and gone, and through both the firm of Edmund Potter and Co. has worked on and gained ground. No obstacles or difficulties have been sufficient to retard its steady progress towards the distinguished position it now holds - a position in our estimation which bears the best possible testimony to your own prudence, integrity and enterprise. We gratefully remember the interest you have ever shown in the welfare of the class to which we belong, and your efforts to promote that welfare in every possible way, as witnessed in the works, the day school, the reading room and library, and by the judicious and considerate kindness with which in adverse times you endeavoured to lessen the difficulties and soften the hardships they involved. This kindly and generous spirit has not, we would fain believe, been without its reward. To it is no doubt due in a great measure the fact that in a long course of years the relations between your workpeople and yourself have seldom been otherwise than mutually satisfactory. And now that you have transferred business with its cares to younger hands, we desire to assure you that you carry into your retirement our kindliest recollections and our sincere wishes; and that, though it may now no longer be our pleasure to see you amongst us, as in times past, the name of Edmund Potter will be warmly cherished among your old servants at Dinting Vale.
Permit us, in conclusion, to couple the name of Mrs. Potter with your own, and to add the expression of our fervent hope that for many years to come, life may be full of happiness for you both.
Signed on behalf of the workpeople, THOMAS BARLOW Chairman of the Testimonial Committee, October 13th 1873.
Mrs Potter died on the 2nd July, 1891, aged 91 years. Their son, Walter Potter, died 17th January, 1871; his wife Elizabeth, died at the Elms, Victoria Park, Manchester, on the 14th January, 1865, aged 27 years. Charles Potter, their eldest son, died in April, 1865.
On the 17th April, 1865 800 workmen and their wives were entertained in the Logwood Mill by Mr., Edward Buckley, who was retiring after 21 years service, and Mr. F. Townley, the manager, who was also retiring after 37 years service. Presentations were made to them, and some interesting speeches were made during the evening.
On the 28th August, 1885, a marble timepiece was presented to Mr. Thomas Jennings Fothergill, who for 23 years had been an engraver, and who was leaving to be the manager of the Broad Oak Printworks. He died at Accrington, 29th March, 1887.
On the 16th September, 1896, Mr. Matthew Thomas Moody, of Heaton Moor, died aged 86. He had formerly been cashier at Dinting Printworks for over 20 years. There have been many more foremen and managers of note, but I have given sufficient to show that the sentiments expressed in the testimonial were true.
Mr. Potter in religion, was a Unitarian, and built the first Unitarian Chapel in Fitzalan Street at his own expense. The chapel was opened on the 8th June, 1875.
Dinting Printworks has been singularly free from fires, one that occurred in the steaming shed, 11th July, 1889, caused alarm, but no extensive damage was done.
Dinting Arches with the print works lodge in front and the church behind
The Building of The Viaduct.
The railway viaduct seen from the east is a pleasant picture, especially from a point where Mottram Church can be seen in the background, but the old wooden portion with its lattice work was even prettier. This part was replaced by iron, February 24th, 1862.
In the building of the viaduct several lives were lost. On May 31st 1843, William Stubbs, aged 22 was blown off the viaduct. January 26th 1844, William Lowe, aged 24, and July 22nd, 1844, Robert Wilson, aged 26, were killed by falling from the viaduct.
The stone used came from Shelf Quarry.
The first train passed over the Viaduct August 8th, 1844, the driver being known as "Hell Fire Jack", owing to his daring driving.
The most melancholy affair in connexion with the viaduct, was the accident that occurred at Glossop Wakes, September 18th, 1855, when an excursion train, returning from Belle Vue, stopped on the viaduct, and three passengers, thinking they were at the station, and mistaking the parapet for the platform, opened the carriage doors and stepped over, to be instantly killed. Their names were Jane Hadfield, aged 30; John Haley, aged 20; and Thomas Priestnall, aged 30.
The station and branch line were altered in 1872.
Mouselow Quarry has long been noted for its good building stone. Seventy years ago it was worked by Joseph Jackson and Co. There was formerly an extensive brickyard in the hamlet, also naphtha works, which on the 24th May, 1856, took fire, when 150 tone of asphalt were burned. Nine hundred gallons of naphtha were saved. The proprietors were Messrs. John Chatterton and John Whitehead. The dense smoke caused by the fire caused great alarm for miles around.
The hamlet contains some good farms, and many of them have been farmed by the same family for generations.
The Hill Top Farm was May 14th 1833, broken into by two persons who entered Mr Joseph Sheppard's the occupier's bedroom with a lantern. They seized and tied Mr. Sheppard in his bed, and told his sister who shrieked out in an adjoining room that they would do as much for her or worse, if she spoke one word. The burglars ransacked the house, taking away with them a few pounds and some silver spoons.
One of the farmhouses at the Ashes was built by N. and W. Marshall in 1771, Mr. Richard Marshall, who died June 26th 1858, aged 65, was the poor rate and assessed tax collector for many years. He lived in this house.
One of those persons who built the original "Howard Town Mill" in 1782, was Samuel Roberts, of Mouselow. He died September 25th, 1825, aged 90.
There used to be some very old houses at Mouselow. One was built by I Dearnley in 1751, had a date stone over the door. The house is now pulled down, but the date stone still exists, having been built into the wall of quite a modern house.
The most curious and interesting object at Mouselow is a stone cistern, one side of which forms a portion of a wall of a barn, the remainder being in the interior. It is of great thickness and size, and made of a kind of stone which does not exist in this neighbourhood. The query is, where did it come from? Did it belong to Mouselow Castle? Is it made out of a large glacial boulder stone? How did it get into its present position?
Shaw was the home of the Platts. Martha, wife of James Platt, of Shaw, was buried February 22nd 1768. There was a Joshua Platt at Mouselow in 1770. Mary Platt, widow, built no. 17 Dinting Lane in 1824. In her will, dated 1855, she left a house each to her daughters, Sally and Mary; sons, John, Benjamin, George, and Thomas (Note: Family history research indicates that Mary Platt actually died in 1843; no will has been found). In 1846 Benjamin Platt farmed over 54 acres; Thomas Platt, at Mouselow and Hill Top, over 39 acres. See The Platt Family of Glossop..
The other farmers at Dinting were Joseph Cooper's exors., 19 acres; Joseph Garlick, 47 acres; Francis Sumner, 22 acres; at Mouselow, widow of John Dearnaley 18 acres; Joseph Newton, 8 acres; William Roberts, 10 acres; at Hill Top, Betty Hibberson, 7 acres; at Ashes, John Taylor, 13 acres; Richard Marshall, 6 acres; William Newton, 17 acres; William Sheppard, 22 acres; at Shaw, George Williamson, 27 acres; Samuel Shepley, 30 acres; Edmund Potter also farmed 20 acres at Dinting Vale.
The Hamlet has two public houses; the Plough Inn built in 1832, and the Viaduct Inn. There was formerly a beerhouse at the Barracks, Nos. 383-389, Dinting Vale, which in 1846 was occupied by George Patchett. This property was built in 1816 by James Robinson, carrier, Whitfield; it is now owned by Coun. G. Bradbury. There used to be a nail shop at the back, where James Hoyland made his nails.
Dinting House was sold August 7th 1845, by Joel Buxton, of Macclesfield, to George Jackson, carrier, Manchester for £90. This house has generally been occupied by a foreman, manager, or other official employed at Dinting Printworks. Mr. Jackson in 1846 built the houses on the other side of the viaduct, and long known as Dinting Square.
On the west was the occupation road connected with Dinting Coal Pit which was in Charlesworth. A long tunnel led to it. A portion of it can be seen, where it has fallen in, by railway travellers from the railway. There was a stone at the mouth of the tunnel, inscribed: Dinting Tunnel, 1852; the stone is at Adderley.
At Adderley Place on June 30th 1889, died Riley Riley, who was appointed madder dyer at Dinting Printworks in October, 1849, and retired in July, 1881. On his retirement, Messrs. Potters' presented him with a gold watch, value of over £60 and his fellow workmen presented him with a marble clock.
Sixty years ago there used to be some exciting Township meetings over the highway accounts and election of the surveyor. The Shepleys of Brookfield (see The Shepley Family of Old Glossop and Bookfield) used to take a prominent part at these meetings.
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Last updated: 4 October 2020